
So peaceful, simple & strong/オノ・セイゲン


タイトル So peaceful, simple & strong
曲名/その他 Fantastic prescription one/Some great adventures/Tomorrow 11PM/So peaceful, simple and strong/My guitar 4/The sign to collapse/The stillness in a crowd/The best kind of blue/Things I learned about you/We go to Brasil/My guitar/Shadows of Charango part 3-5/Fantastic prescription two/The World's Tallest Building (CD track only)
Performed by
Febian Reza Pane: Piano
Shinichi Sato: Bass
Hidenori Midorikawa: Alto sax
Nao Takeuchi: Tenor sax
Tomo Yamaguchi: Percussion
Issei Igarashi: Trumpet
Composed and produced by Seigen Ono
Recorded and mixed by Akira Fukada
ジャンル ジャズ&フュージョン
レーベル名 Saidera Records
品番 SD-1018H
価格 ¥3,150(税込)
チャンネル Stereo/Multi
ディスクの種類 ハイブリッド
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