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公開日 2019/04/16 07:53

音元出版社長 和田光征の「巻頭言」2019年4月:業界の建設的発展を目指し心機一転

音元出版社長 和田光征


私は1974年の「オーディオ銘機賞」創設に携わった者として、本年2月に、評論家側審査委員長 藤岡誠氏、流通側審査委員長森田正二氏両名の了解・賛同のもと、オーディオ銘機賞審査委員会特別顧問に就任することとなった。









Retuning the Audio Excellence Award

In February of this year, with the understanding and approval of Makoto Fujioka, chair of the audio critics’ screening committee, and Shoji Morita, chair of the distributors’ screening committee, I was appointed special advisor to the screening committees for the Audio Excellence Award. I was involved in the establishment of the Audio Excellence Award way back in 1974, so this position means a lot to me.

I served as the president of Ongen Publishing for 38 years, from my appointment in 1982 at the age of 39 to this year, when I turn 75. This year, when our company marks the 70th anniversary of its founding, I have retired as president and taken up the post of chairman and CEO. Together with the new president and managerial team, I want us to make a fresh start and strictly observe our company motto of “contributing to the constructive development of the industry.”

The Audio Excellence Award has developed a lot since its establishment and has received much international acclaim as an audio industry award. My own opinion is that when selecting the product receiving the gold prize, the award’s top commendation, as well as the product itself, as a factor in screening we should also take into account how much that company’s business has contributed to the development of the industry, or whether its hegemonic approach is acting as an obstacle. In view of the recent economic situation, and the situation from now on, it is clear that unless the whole industry sets about market creation together, we will not be able to move customers.

I want our company to take the initiative in sponsoring and holding events that identify popular products currently in distribution. I can envision such categories as accessories, analog, and headphones. Regarding analog in particular, I want us to start events centering on Ongen Publishing’s Analog quarterly magazine as soon as possible.

In other words, my plan is to attract visitors through our Phile-web site and our publications, generate positive effects through the development of events, and turn these events into the core of the industry’s development. I want to kick off this plan as a commemorative project for our 70th anniversary and, by continuing it, aim to promote market creation. We will not participate in or sponsor any raucous, self-seeking events.

Regarding the Audio Excellence Award, it has been pointed out from various quarters that the gold prize has been dominated by a single company, and I think it’s time we should consider taking steps to correct this situation. It’s fine to pay tribute to good products that a company keeps on making, but from the overall perspective of aiming for market creation, we need to think again about hegemonic business methods.

As the only person left who was actually involved in the establishment of the Audio Excellence Award, and now as a special advisor, I think we need to take another look at the original objectives of the award and make a change of course. Manufacturers and distributors alike should take this opportunity to think again about stabilizing the market and increasing external trust and value and put their thoughts into practice.



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