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公開日 2019/05/31 10:09

音元出版社長 和田光征の「巻頭言」2019年5月:アキュフェーズ創業者・春日二郎氏の短歌に感じとるもの

音元出版社長 和田光征







 かたじけな 一日(ひとよ)の閑を わが妻と
 河原に遊ぶ 日の光かも

 粉袋 染めて作れる 産着着て
 妹がかたえに 眠る愛しさ

 男の児かも ああ我が児かも 吾妹子よ
 力に満ちて いのち湧き立つ


 昼暗き 海の底より 釣り上ぐる
 鯛のまなこは 金色に光りぬ


 会議室に 冬の日差しの 暖かく
 まなこ細めて 外を見ており


 九時すぎて 妻寝間に入り 静まりぬ
 炬燵に一人 寝転ぶ我は


Mr. Kasuga, the Poet

In 1988 Mr. Jiro Kasuga, then chairman of Accuphase Laboratory, Inc., presented me with an anthology of his tanka (short poems) titled Fuyu no hana (Winter Flowers). Mr. Kasuga had been writing poems since his adolescent years, so he must have had a huge number. The anthology that he gave to me contained the selected crème de la crème.

I like tanka as well, and I did begin penning verses in my high school days. But they were very poor works, certainly not fit for presentation, and at some point I later gave up trying. When I received Mr. Kasuga’s Fuyu no hana, it sparked my interest once again. When I finished reading it, the sky in the east was already turning a faint whitish color.

I believe that tanka, and any other arts really, depend on that momentary sensation you get when, for example, you twist the water tap off, and the final drop of water appears from inside, hangs like a bob, and then splashes down. As soon as I read the first poem in Mr. Kasuga’s collection, I sensed the weight of his poetry.

Mr. Kasuga had had a weak constitution since his childhood, and no doubt several times he found himself on the edge of despair, wondering whether he would ever be able to lead a normal life. Because of his poor health, many of his early poems depict mental scenes, sharply catching plants and the movement of the air. They are very moving indeed.

Eventually Mr. Kasuga did become able to lead a normal life as an adult, and his exultancy is evident in the burning undercurrents of his poems: harmony with the natural world, praise of life, and manifestations of prayer.

Most welcome
A day of rest
Strolling by the river
With my wife
In the sunshine

Sleeping beside me
In baby clothes
Made from the dyed cloth
Of powder bags
So cute!

My dearest
A life being born
In your powerful body
Our baby
Maybe it’s a boy!

After he had quit Trio-Kenwood Corporation, Mr. Kasuga founded Kensonic Laboratory, Inc. (now Accuphase Laboratory, Inc.). His poems from that time are very impressive, and one cannot help but feel his hope for the future.

A dull day
Out of the depths
I catch a fish
Its eyes
Gleam in the darkness

The new company steadily grew, and eventually Mr. Kasuga handed the presidency over to Mr. Dehara. Here is a poem from some time after that:

On a winter’s day
Warm sunlight
Floods the meeting room
I gaze outside

I think it is a wonderful poem, showing Mr. Kasuga’s deep trust of Mr. Dehara and all the other employees, his memories of the past, and his confidence in the future. As shown by the fact that Accuphase products have won the gold prize in our Audio Excellence Awards on several occasions, that company has an extremely good reputation. That reputation, I believe, stems from the corporate climate built by Mr. Kasuga, with his rich insight as a poet and presence of mind.

After nine
My wife goes to bed
I sit alone
In the kotatsu



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