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公開日 2019/11/29 18:10

音元出版会長 和田光征の「巻頭言」2019年11月:音元出版での活動の根源となった父からの教育

音元出版会長 和田光征











Proud of My Father

At a general meeting of shareholders held on July 27 of this year, 52-year-old Mitsuharu Nagai was appointed as representative director and president of Ongen Publishing, thus becoming my successor in that role. I became representative director and chairman. I joined the company in April 1968, so 51 years have passed since then. I myself turned 75 on May 13.

In the fall of 1968, the year when I joined, our company experienced a breakup when some employees left. There were only four of us remaining: then President Masatsugu Iwama, his wife, a female junior college graduate, and me. The breakaway group strongly urged me to join them, but I refused out of deep gratitude to Mr. Iwama and his wife for having hired me. At all costs, I wanted us to overcome those difficult circumstances.

It was largely the influence of my father’s teaching that made me, at the tender age of 23, think that way. Of the four of us remaining, only me and the president were men, and the president was often unable to come to the office due to sickness. I had to do my best to support us all. From my childhood days, my father used to tell me, “It’s no use being clever if you don’t have a well-rounded personality.” He thoroughly imbued me with a spirit of humanity. My father was a Kyushu man, and his thinking was just like that of the great Saigo Takamori, a leader in the establishment of the Meiji government in 1868 who also famously hailed from Kyushu. In 1968 I behaved in accordance with that way of thinking, and I still do today.

There were nine siblings in our family, so in my childhood my parents had a hard time raising tuition fees and parent-teacher association dues. Since my father had to go around the village asking for loans, it was a rule for us to declare anything related to money by evening. One morning, just as she was getting ready to go to school, my younger sister suddenly asked for money for some event and received a scolding from my father. Seeing my father’s bewildered look, I told him that I wanted to borrow a patch of land. I was in the third grade of junior high school at the time. When I said that I wanted to cultivate and sell pumpkins, my father looked disconcerted, because his eldest son was doing the same thing. But when I said that I wouldn’t be a nuisance to my brother, he brightened up and agreed to lend me about 13 square meters of land.

Ours was a large family, and we used to all sit around a low dining table measuring about two meters in diameter for our evening meal. Busy working on my patch of land, I was often late for dinner, and my father or a brother or sister would come out calling for me. Sometimes I worked in the field until around nine in the evening. I gave all the money that I earned from selling pumpkins to my father. I didn’t keep even a penny for myself. Again, that was to become my code of conduct in our company as well.

Watching me growing up, my father began to tell me about Saigo Takamori’s idea of resourcefulness. He also expressed interest in my drawing, which I was good at from a young age. I was very proud of my father, who showed kindness to others whoever they were and had a strong personality.

When I was in about the fifth grade of elementary school, my father served as a local welfare commissioner. Once he helped a chap called Miura-san, who had poor eyesight, to complete the procedures for livelihood protection, and Miura-san was extremely grateful. One day my father and I were out walking, and we bumped into Miura-san. Tearfully, Miura-san said, “Thank you for all your help, Wada-san. I haven’t been able to give you anything in return, but in the upcoming election I will vote for whoever you recommend. That’s the least I can do.”

“Miura-san,” my father replied, “I’ll be quite happy if you vote for whoever you want to. That’s what elections are all about.” When Miura-san burst into tears, my father gently embraced and encouraged him. I still haven’t forgotten that scene etched in the mind of a fifth grader. I remember feeling even more pride in my father.



アクセスランキング RANKING
1 「Amazon プライムデー」本セールが7月16日0時からついにスタート!安くなるものを事前チェック!
2 ヨドバシやビック、Amazonプライムデーより安い超特価セール実施中!見比べないと損をする
3 【レビューあり】Amazonプライムセール、JBLの人気サウンドバー「BAR 1000/800」が激安!
4 Amazonプライムデー先行セールで「半額」「半額以下」で買えちゃうイヤホン・ヘッドホン
5 Amazonプライムデー、FireTV Stick 4K/4K Maxが過去セール超えの大幅割引中
6 Amazonプライムデー、オーディオテクニカのTWS、ヘッドホン、マイクが多数お買い得に!
7 Amazonプライムデー、読み放題・聴き放題などサブスクも無料に! 登録すべきキャンペーンまとめ
8 Prime Videoの有料チャンネル「アニメタイムズ」が60日間無料。7/17まで
9 ノジマとオーディオスクエアのシナジーで“テレビの音の最適解”を案内。存在感を増すネットワーク&HDMI対応アンプ
10 <ポタフェス>FIIOやiFi audioに「本邦初公開」多数/Noble Audio「FoKus TRIUMPH」は今夏発売
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