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公開日 2019/03/12 17:06

音元出版社長 和田光征の「巻頭言」2019年3月:心機一転 音元出版の新組織

音元出版社長 和田光征




新社長に就任するのは、現取締役副社長の樫出浩雅。副社長に就任するのは、現専務取締役の永井光晴。そして常務取締役の徳田ゆかりが、社長室長としてバックヤードを担当。さらに新たな取締役に、ファイルウェブdiv.執行役員の風間雄介、SP div.執行役員の平野勇樹が就任する。近未来への布石も打ち、万全を期した新体制である。








Recollections of 1990
—Ongen Publishing to Make Fresh Start under New Managerial Lineup—

On February 6 of this year Ongen Publishing held its annual business policy briefing. The meeting was attended by about 80 persons from around 50 companies. Our personnel in charge of business departments delivered presentations one after the other, which I think gave the audience a good understanding of our thorough preparations for the future.

After the presentations were over, I announced that there would be a change of presidency in our company. For a moment, a commotion swept through the room. But when I explained that our company would be marking the seventieth anniversary of its establishment in 2019, and that I myself would be turning 75 this year, the participants accepted the change as only natural. Most likely I will quit as president and be appointed as chairman and corporate executive officer (CEO). After approval by the regular shareholders’ meeting in July, the new lineup will take over. After I had expressed gratitude to the briefing participants and others in the industry for their enormous support and cooperation over the years, the audience gave me a thunderous round of applause.

Our current vice-president, Hiromasa Kashide, will be appointed as the new president, and Executive Managing Director Mitsuharu Nagai will become vice-president. Also, Managing Director Yukari Tokuda will take charge of backyard matters as head of the President’s Office, and Corporate Officers Yusukei Kazama of the Phile-web Division and Yuki Hirano of the SP Division will be appointed as new directors. The new lineup will stand us in good stead as we make preparations for the near future.

Our new managerial lineup has its origins in an incident that occurred in 1990. Let me tell you about it.

I joined Ongen Publishing in 1968, at the age of 23. Two years later the newspaper publication team in our company went independent and left. I was invited to join them, but feeling indebted to the president, who had hired me, I refused. In 1972 I launched the Audio Senka magazine and took charge of everything from editing to marketing. It was hard work, but I managed to get the magazine on track. Then in 1976 I launched the Audio Accessory magazine, planning a large-scale product test called the “Scramble Test” and transmitting a strong message.

In the following years our company steadily grew, but then in 1990, at the turn of the year, I entered hospital with a serious, life-threatening illness. The company faced a major crisis. At that time we had nearly 20 employees, but in my absence, a coup was brewing. It became evident that some employees were plotting to hijack the firm. According to an employee whom I trusted, 14 employees were participating in the plot, which meant 70% of the workforce. Pledging to myself that I would get out of hospital, first of all I set about facing up to my illness. Thanks to the cooperation of the doctors at the hospital, I managed to remain positive throughout in the belief that my illness would be cured.

On about January 20, I received a call from the chairman of our company saying that he was getting everyone together and asking me to come, so I went along. “Wada,” he said, “if you don’t have any intention of carrying on, I will dissolve the company. What’s it to be?” “I’ll be okay,” I replied. “I will receive my last test results on January 25, after which I will set about establishing a new Ongen Publishing.” Then I got the test results. The doctor said to me, “We gave you a CT scan from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. You have made a complete recovery.” After expressing my gratitude, I phoned the company. The chairman was in hospital, suffering from gout. I handed a list of those who were participating in the coup to a trusted employee and notified them that they were fired from the next day.

In February we conducted entrance tests and hired new employees toward the start of a new Ongen Publishing. Kashide, who will become our new president later this year, was one of those employees hired at that time, as were Nagai and Tokuda. I also would like to praise the achievements of Executive Managing Director Tsuuko Iwama, who was in charge of general affairs and accounting, the backbone of the company. The new lineup that will take over in 2019 features those employees who helped us to overcome the crisis in 1990 and grew from that time. It really will be a fresh start on a new journey.

On the basis of our company motto of “contributing to the constructive development of the industry,” we will march forward into the new age robustly, sincerely, and with all our might. I thank everyone in the industry for your patronage and ask you to show even more support and kindness for the new Ongen Publishing.



アクセスランキング RANKING
1 ソニー、第2世代フラグシップ・ミラーレス一眼「α1 II」。画質、操作性を着実に強化
2 オーディオファイル待望の物量投入型プリメインアンプ!デノン「PMA-3000NE」をクオリティチェック
3 目黒蓮を“もっとそばに”感じられる特別イベント。「レグザミュージアム〜The 6 STORIES〜」11/21から原宿で開催
4 ボーズ、McIntosh Groupを買収。マッキントッシュ、ソナス・ファベールが傘下に
5 ビックカメラ.com、「2025年新春福箱」の抽選申し込み開始。全66種類、iPadやPS5も登場
6 覚えておくと絶対便利!iPhoneの「計測」アプリでできる、あんなことこんなこと
7 ビクター「HA-A6T」レビュー!5000円切り完全ワイヤレスイヤホンは「価格を上回るクオリティ」
8 高音質と機能性を両立する新たなスタンダード機!AVIOTのANC完全ワイヤレス「TE-V1R」レビュー
9 Meze Audioが打ち出す待望の入門モデル。開放型ヘッドホン「105 AER」&イヤホン「ALBA」の音質に迫る
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