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公開日 2019/07/29 19:36
「音元出版 新社長就任」

音元出版社長 和田光征の「巻頭言」2019年7月:新たな時代を築く音元出版の新体制

音元出版社長 和田光征

音元出版 新社長就任

待望の、永井光晴 代表取締役社長の誕生です。現代表取締役社長である私、和田光征は、代表取締役会長に就任し、音元出版は二人の代表取締役体制となります。任期満了までのこれからの2年間、私は永井社長の後見人として人脈の拡大を応援して成功させ、さっさと一人代表取締役体制にもっていきたいと思っています。






そこに天才的才能の編集長 平野勇樹君が加わり、「プレミアムヘッドホンガイド」を創刊。ヘッドホンブームがここから始まったと言っても過言ではありません。また、「ファイルウェブ」で現在評論家として活躍されている山本敦さんも、当時ファイルウェブの編集部員でした。彼の活躍でファイルウェブが「IFA」の日本語公式サイトとなったことも、今のファイルウェブの成功につながるものと、永井君ら幹部と語り合ったものです。そして永井君がさらに、新しいアワード「デジタルカメラグランプリ」を立ち上げてカメラ業界との絆をつくり、様々なニューウェーブを起こして小社に新風を吹き込みました。

永井君を社長候補とする私の夢は大きく膨らみ、私が75歳になった今年の5月13日を境にその流れを明確にしました。彼は小社で私に次ぐ存在となりました。私は、小社音元出版のさらなる発展を願うとともに、小社が全業界人のハッピーを実現するマスコミのリーダーとして、永井光晴君 52歳が中心となり新たな時代を築くことを願ってやみません。

株式会社音元出版 代表取締役社長 永井光晴の誕生です。私は代表取締役会長としてしっかりとこれをフォローし、共に業界発展に寄与していきます。これを業界の皆さまにご報告し、さらなるご指導・ご鞭撻をお願い申し上げる次第でございます。


New President to Be Appointed at Ongen Publishing

As I have been eagerly hoping for a long time, Mitsuharu Nagai, 52, is to be appointed as representative director and president of Ongen Publishing. I will switch from my present position as representative director and president to the post of representative director and chairman, so for the time being Ongen Publishing will have two representative directors. Over the next two years, until my term comes to an end, I will be Nagai’s guardian, offering my support for his network building and helping him to achieve success so that our company returns as quickly as possible to a single representative director setup.

When Nagai applied to join our company, I heard not only about his academic background but also about how he had worked as a manager in his part-time job. I was very interested, so in the interview, which I can remember just as if it had been yesterday, I asked him various questions. From that time, I saw Nagai as a future president and consciously began to nurture him as such.

Nagai was appointed chief editor of AV Review. When we switched that magazine from a bimonthly to monthly publication, his work was truly eye-opening and immensely fruitful. And when Windows 95 appeared, heralding a new era, he displayed his outstanding ability by changing gear with superb timing. As you all know, I am a complete amateur when it comes to personal computers and machinery. Nagai had a good knowledge of information technology, so his presence at that time was mind-boggling. I was determined to make full use of his talent for the growth of our company.

Nagai suggested that we should set up a website. Taking the “phile” in our recently launched Home Theater Phile magazine, he proposed calling it “Phile-web.” Of course, I agreed immediately. Preparations began, and Nagai discovered a website production company. It was operated by the late Kazutoshi Sato, who previously had worked as my subordinate on the editorial team of Senka. Sato, for health reasons, had returned to his hometown and worked at the Sendai branch of the Liberal Democratic Party, but later he had gone into IT-related work, so he knew a lot about IT and the broadcasting industry as well. When he returned to Tokyo and visited our office, Nagai persuaded him to come on board, thereby laying the foundations for the start of our website production.

We needed money for the start of our new web project, so I visited makers in our industry and explained about the Phile-web concept and vision. Fortunately they agreed to support us, and with these funds we launched the Phile-web site in June 2000. Phile-web, which from the beginning never consumed any of our company’s reserve funds, got off to a brilliant start. It was also at that time that Yusuke Kazama, who is now very active as chief editor, joined us as a new member of staff.

Following the collapse of Lehman Brothers, I realized that advertising revenue was going to plummet and so adopted a new approach—sales promotion through a free magazine with the cooperation of large-scale retail stores, which supported the sales promotion expenses. Nagai’s contribution at that time was astonishing too. He cleverly combined our awards, such as the Visual Grand Prix, with the free magazine distributed to stores and got the project up and running in no time. Indeed, it would be no exaggeration to say that this project succeeded only thanks to Nagai. Certain that it would be successful under him, I set up the SP Division dedicated to the project, thereby paving the way forward.

Then the ingenious chief editor Yuki Hirano joined us, and we launched the Premium Headphone Guide magazine, which, it is no exaggeration to say, sparked the headphone boom. At that time Atsushi Yamamoto, who is now active as a critic on Phile-web, was a member of the Phile-web editorial staff. Nagai and our other directors are full of praise for Yamamoto. After all, it was his industriousness that led to Phile-web becoming the official Japanese site for the IFA consumer electronics show and to Phile-web’s current robustness. Nagai went on to launch a new award, the Digital Camera Grand Prix, and build strong bonds with the camera industry. He created various new waves and brought fresh winds to our company.

My vision of him as a presidential candidate grew, and on May 13 of this year, when I turned 75, I made my intentions clear. Nagai was the person who would succeed me at our company. I fervently hope that Ongen Publishing, as a mass communication leader aiming to realize the happiness of everyone in our industry, will carve a new era under the leadership of Nagai and achieve further development.

As representative director and chairman, I promise to everyone in the industry that I will offer my firm backing to the new president, and together we will contribute to the development of the industry. I look forward to your continued cooperation and guidance in this endeavor.



アクセスランキング RANKING
1 「Amazon プライムデー」本セールが7月16日0時からついにスタート!安くなるものを事前チェック!
2 ヨドバシやビック、Amazonプライムデーより安い超特価セール実施中!見比べないと損をする
3 【レビューあり】Amazonプライムセール、JBLの人気サウンドバー「BAR 1000/800」が激安!
4 Amazonプライムデー先行セールで「半額」「半額以下」で買えちゃうイヤホン・ヘッドホン
5 Amazonプライムデー、FireTV Stick 4K/4K Maxが過去セール超えの大幅割引中
6 Amazonプライムデー、オーディオテクニカのTWS、ヘッドホン、マイクが多数お買い得に!
7 Amazonプライムデー、読み放題・聴き放題などサブスクも無料に! 登録すべきキャンペーンまとめ
8 Prime Videoの有料チャンネル「アニメタイムズ」が60日間無料。7/17まで
9 ノジマとオーディオスクエアのシナジーで“テレビの音の最適解”を案内。存在感を増すネットワーク&HDMI対応アンプ
10 <ポタフェス>FIIOやiFi audioに「本邦初公開」多数/Noble Audio「FoKus TRIUMPH」は今夏発売
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