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公開日 2019/09/26 11:04

音元出版会長 和田光征の「巻頭言」2019年9月:先代会長から私へ、そして私から次の世代へ伝えるもの

音元出版会長 和田光征











Baton Pass

I was born on May 13, 1944. As I have turned 75 this year, I have passed the post of representative director and president of Ongen Publishing over to Mitsuharu Nagai, 52. I myself have been appointed representative director and chairman of the company.

Twenty-eight years ago Masatsugu Iwama, the former president of Ongen Publishing and my predecessor as chairman, called me to Toranomon Hospital, where he was hospitalized. It was about 8 in the evening when our conversation began. His first words were, “You understand the situation, I’m sure . . .” Clearly anticipating the worst, he said to me, “Take care of my wife and daughters, please. I’m not worried about the company. I leave the choice of your successor as president to you. Just do what you want. But even when you become chairman or counselor or advisor, never take your eyes off the firm. Never leave.” Of course, that was my intention anyway, so I promised him, “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of the company too.”

Mr. Iwama, the founder of Ongen Publishing, and his wife had three daughters; there was no son. Coming to Tokyo from the countryside in Kyushu, I entered the company at the age of 23 after seeing a job vacancy ad at a public employment security office. I became editor-in-chief of the Audio Senka magazine at the age of 25 and was rather successful in the position. I will never forget my debt to Mr. Iwama for literally picking a country bumpkin like me up off the street. When I stood, he would gently put his hand around my shoulders; he and his wife treated me just like a son.

One day, about 40 years ago, then President Iwama returned to our office and announced, “A terrible thing has happened. Advertising agencies have banded together and are saying they will boycott ads.” I replied calmly, “Don’t worry. Just leave this matter to me. I’ll handle it.” At that time I had been the chief editor of Audio Senka for more than two years, so I had good connections with the top brass in makers and retail stores, and I had gained their confidence. Again I made calls to the companies one by one, and actually that approach served to further deepen our relations of trust. Needless to say, I subsequently built close relations with the advertising agencies too.

As I further consolidated our corporate philosophy of “contributing to the constructive development of the industry,” my name became well known in our industrial circles. My ties with makers and retail stores grew stronger, and almost all the executives and managers of those companies treated me with affection. At the same time, the presence of Audio Senka grew, and it came to play a major role in the industry. In 1982 we also launched the quarterly Audio Accessory, which became a hit with a circulation of 70,000 copies.

Thirty-five years ago, at the age of 39, I became president of Ongen Publishing. It is no exaggeration to say that that was the golden age of Ongen Publishing. Our style of closely observing and responding to our customers is unchanging. I see this as the eternal mandate that has been bestowed on Ongen Publishing from above.

To digress a little, I must say that in my younger days I was very confident in my physical strength. When I came to Tokyo at the age of 19, I climbed from the fifth stage to the summit of Mount Fuji nonstop, without a rest, in 3 hours 20 minutes. And about six months after I joined the company, then President Iwama, who weighed more than 70 kg at the time, came down with arthritis when he was in Osaka. About five of us employees went to Tokyo Station to meet him when he returned by Shinkansen. While everyone else was running around in confusion, despite weighing only around 50 kg, I gave Mr. Iwama a piggyback ride down the station stairs and put him in a taxi. In my senior high school days I used to carry heavy bags of rice, so I didn’t think twice about it. Later Mr. Iwama confessed to me, with a laugh, that it was the most frightening moment in his life!

I am proud that today we have such a wonderful president and employees. Wishing to make them all as happy as me, I am now in the process of building the next step to the future. Ongen Publishing will continue to do its best under our unchanging corporate philosophy of “contributing to the constructive development of the industry.” I look forward to your support in this endeavor.



アクセスランキング RANKING
1 「Amazon プライムデー」本セールが7月16日0時からついにスタート!安くなるものを事前チェック!
2 ヨドバシやビック、Amazonプライムデーより安い超特価セール実施中!見比べないと損をする
3 【レビューあり】Amazonプライムセール、JBLの人気サウンドバー「BAR 1000/800」が激安!
4 Amazonプライムデー先行セールで「半額」「半額以下」で買えちゃうイヤホン・ヘッドホン
5 Amazonプライムデー、FireTV Stick 4K/4K Maxが過去セール超えの大幅割引中
6 Amazonプライムデー、オーディオテクニカのTWS、ヘッドホン、マイクが多数お買い得に!
7 Amazonプライムデー、読み放題・聴き放題などサブスクも無料に! 登録すべきキャンペーンまとめ
8 Prime Videoの有料チャンネル「アニメタイムズ」が60日間無料。7/17まで
9 ノジマとオーディオスクエアのシナジーで“テレビの音の最適解”を案内。存在感を増すネットワーク&HDMI対応アンプ
10 <ポタフェス>FIIOやiFi audioに「本邦初公開」多数/Noble Audio「FoKus TRIUMPH」は今夏発売
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